Welcome to my homepage!

About Dima Foxpaws

Hi, I'm Dima! I'm an Ohio cross fox, musician, artist, therian, and member of the furry fandom. I created this website to document my fandom history. It's a little self-indulgent, sure, but I thought it would be fun to put this all down in writing somewhere.

There's social links on the side of the page if you'd like to follow me on the various apps, or even just listen to my music. I'm in my 30's and have been making music for more than half my life. It's my greatest passion and it means a lot when people listen and connect with it.

One of my interests is zines and comics, of which I have a modest little collection. If you run any sort of furry zine, or perform furry zine archivism, please email me. I'd be happy to buy a copy.

My fursuit is by Pinu Studios. They are a fantastic little family of fursuiters, who I am happy to be a part of.

As far as pronouns go, I do consider myself nonbinary or gender nonconforming. Really, any pronouns are acceptable, but I prefer they/it/pup. Frankly, the fact that people tend to choose a random pronoun is pretty cool. Getting randomly he or she'd depending on the day makes the nonconformity valid.

Below this text I'm going to include an embed for my most recent music video, "Champagne Breather". My husband filmed it on a lovely walk in the woods, and I'm very happy with the vibe. The song itself is a rather personal self-reflection from my newest album GET PUPPED!

Thank you for checking out my page, and I hope you enjoy reading my fandom history!