
The Brony era...

Bat Pony OC Like most internet goers at the time, I started to see images and memes from the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic in 2011, taking the internet by storm. I didn't end up watching the show until 2012, when I was 18 years old and finally getting my footing in making real, listenable music, thanks to the help of friends I had made.

Seeing the buzz behind fandom music, it was a natural next step for me to start making Brony music. My first song was based on a convention meme, but very shortly I started making serious music, trying to lean into storytelling, and emotional themes. With EileMonty, whom I had met in the Lion King fandom, I created the song "Home" which was my first popular song.

I released so much music during this time, and really came into my own and honed my skills. My album Autumn Nights led to so many future collaborations, including "Stay Calm" which would become my most streamed work ever, and still remains a huge part of the Five Night's at Freddy's fandom.

I had the chance to work with so many people, perform at dozens of conventions, form my own band, and try different styles. This revealed music to me as my true calling, and in a deeply supportive community I really got to cut my teeth. On the upper left, you can see my pony OC, Moon Rock. She is a bat pony, drawn here by yeendip.

During this period, I kept drawing. Mostly ponies, but I kept trying to hone my skills drawing furries as well. It wasn't until I grew tired with ponies as a muse that I really made any furry art I'm proud of. It would be my next set of projects that furries as a muse became essential to.

Silver Fox Fursona

Like any muse, my time with ponies did come to an end. I still have so many friends and connections from the Brony fandom, and drop in now and then, including 2019's "Ursa Major" with Vylet Pony, but the bulk of my work in the fandom is in the past. I wouldn't be who I am as an artist or person without the time I spent and the friendships I made in the brony fandom.

To the right you can see my silver fox fursona, drawn perfectly by yeendip. He and I started dating towards the end of this period, and got married in 2023.